Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Influences To Who She Was

It’s interesting because there is no technique or classes to be taught that would be Bausch style. She has influenced the dance world in a different Modern approach. 

She created the Tanztheater Wuppertal and she had an enormous impact in the German community in Opera and Cinema.  Bausch threads her knowledge of dance, speech, and theatrical effects and music. But she is influenced not only by her life but her dancers’ lives. In rehearsals, she finds a way to make her dancers express, explore, and spill out their secrets. One of her biggest influence is the surrealism and theatrical boundaries. Most influence that she uses in her works and choreography is with the people she has trained with. Kurt Jooss, who was a leader of dance during the German Expressionism Movement, was a teacher at the Folkwang Schule in Essen, Germany while Bausch was a young girl studying. Bausch was also fortunate to get a scholarship to attend Julliard in New York and her teachers there, Jose Limon, Paul Taylor, Antony Tudor, and Paul Sanasardo were her influences. One artist that she never worked with but followed his development of “dance theater” was Rudolph von Laban. His idea of performing influenced Pina Bausch and is used in all of her work. She understood movement from these people and they have influenced her to be what she was and what she made from it.

Kurt Jooss

Monday, February 20, 2012

About Me

Kao Zhong Xiong

I am Laotian and I am 20 years old. I started dancing on my high school dance team focusing on Poms and Hip Hop. My goals were to win and see how far I could go with the experience I had but after a couple of years, my goals shifted to learning as much as I could instead of just winning. I am interested in learning the many forms of dance and that goes from classical to cultural. Hip Hop definitely influences me and my movement today since it is the style that I started with and used to be most comfortable with. I also value experience when it comes to dance. Dance offers many different opportunities and challenges that I am willing to try and overcome for myself and to have for my professional dance career.

Brenna Marlin

My name is Brenna Marlin.  I am twenty-two years old and have been studying dance at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for the past three years.  I first was introduced to dance movement at the age of fourteen when I joined a pom/dance team.  It was this form of movement that I practiced until I graduated high school in 2008.  After attending college for a year, I found that my interests truly lied within the world of dance.  As a  mover, I value an individual's personal take on the life.  I enjoy seeing the way others interpret relationships and how they connect to the environment.  Currently, I am examining the many views our society has on sex and sexual relationships.  

Pina Bausch


Pina Bausch was born in Solingen, Germany on July 27, 1940. 
Dancing at the age of 14, she danced at the Folkwangschule in Essen which was then directed by Kurt Jooss. After her graduation, she received a scholarship to study abroad to The United States; specifically Julliard in New York City. She has worked with Paul Taylor, Antony Tudor, and Jose Limon in which she traveled to Spain and performed at New American Ballet and the Metropolitan Opera Ballet Company. She then joined Kurt Jooss as his artistic director and soloist with the Folkwang Ballet Company and from there she started to create her own choreographic pieces. The most common theme with Bausch's works show female and male interactions. Whether it is simple dialogue to the structure of repetition, Bausch always had a surreal nature to her works. She was married to Rolf Borzik who died of Leukemia and then she partnered with Ronald Kay that together, they had a son named Salomon. Pina Baush died of an unstated form of cancer in the year 2009. In 2011, her company members and director Wim Wenders filmed a documentary of her works and the film has $13,992,869 dollars at the box office total worldwide. 

Pina was a woman with the innate ability to see the depth within a person.  To guide someone towards the next step in their lives with as few as six words, "You just need to get crazier!"  This ability of hers is what made people from across the world flock to see her choreographic works.  Pina Bausch was able to capture the essence of a feeling, moment, even humanity in her works and this is why she will forever be an inspiration for our world.